Senior Primary Academics

St Teresa’s prides itself on its service to learners by offering a holistic education. In line with this holistic education, St Teresa’s has built up a reputation of academic excellence.
The Senior Primary follows the CAPS documents to a point. Our experienced educators combine both CAPS and the best areas of an extended programme. We are not driven by CAPS but ensure that it forms a part of the children’s comprehensive learning programme.
At the beginning of each year all learners write a Literacy and Numeracy test to ascertain if they are progressing at the correct pace and that there are no areas of concern. This also gives the teachers an idea of the progress being made in each grade in a year.
Learners are taught in mixed ability classes. Learners are encouraged to develop a sound work ethic and small class sizes allow for individual attention. Academic support is available to learners in every subject. If any academic concerns are raised by a teacher, communication with a parent/s is done immediately.
A learner support teacher is available to pupils who may require extra consolidation in a particular learning area or who may be struggling with a particular concept. The pupil attends as many lessons as the teachers perceive to be necessary each week during school time.
Assessments are done consistently throughout the year. Educators vary the type of assessment frequently so as to give every child an opportunity to achieve according to their learning needs. Summative assessments are done at the end of the year. These are seen as a low-key event, so as to guide and educate our girls on correct exam procedure and enhance their learning skills.
A Study Skills programme is presented to all learners each year to assist them when revising for tests or more comprehensive assessments. These skills are taken up a level each year to give our learners the opportunity to find the correct method of studying for the individual learner.
Our academic staff are highly qualified, and continual professional development is emphasised. All teachers are SACE registered. Performance evaluation is an ongoing process to ensure that the needs of the learners are being met by the staff.
Subjects Offered in Grade 4 - 6
This curriculum covers grades 4, 5 and 6.
In Grade 4 – 6 the girls all take the following subjects:
First additional language – Afrikaans
Natural Sciences & Technology
Social Sciences which includes Geography and History
Critical Thinking Skills
Visual Art
PE (Physical Education)
LO (Life Orientation)
RE (Religious Education)
Subjects Offered in Grade 7
In Grade 7 the curriculum covers the following subjects
First additional language – Afrikaans or isiZulu – pupils choose which language they will do for Matric
Natural Sciences
Dramatic Art
Arts and Culture
Computer Studies
PE (Physical Education)
LO (Life Orientation)
RE (Religious Education)
Media Skills